Monthly Archives - September 2012


Relationships and Profit

Conventional business wisdom spawned the saying, "It's not personal, it's just business." We believe customers take the way you treat them very personally. At the end of a marketing campaign, most businesses count the number of tweets, website visits, Facebook friends and YouTube video views that they amassed during the campaign. At the end of your marketing campaign, you need to focus on how many new relationships you started and how many existing relationships you deepened to greater levels of consent. Although...

Beautiful Pictures

Lessons from Instagram: Be Visual

# Weekend Hashtag Project, WHPBIRDSONAWIRE, September 10, 2012 It has taken the founders of Instagram less than a high school tenure to go from $0 to $1.2 billion in net worth (Business Insider). Instagram founder Kevin Systrom graduated from Stanford University, interned at Twitter, and worked at Google. He took what he learned from the top social sites on the planet to put in motion one radical idea: make taking photos easy and fun. In April, Facebook proved they value visual media by...