Monthly Archives - February 2013

“Pheed” currently #1 App in Social Media Category

There's a new App standing strong on top of the Social Media Category of Apple's App Store and, No, it's not Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. It's Pheed. Pheed is a community App like Facebook or Twitter, but unlike either of the said platforms, it offers an impressive four options for posting content including: text, photo, video and (uniquely) voice updates. Check out a review from Huff Post Tech below for more about Pheed. happily shared via Huff Post Tech If you haven't looked at Pheed yet,...


To Help Your Business Succeed, Find Your Guacamole (Fast Company)

happily shared via Fast Company BY JD RUCKER | AUGUST 30, 2012 | Fast Company Having killer guacamole is a great competitive advantage for Mexican restaurants--here's how drill down on your company's biggest differentiator (or, "guacamole"). If you ask people to name the restaurant that has their favorite salsa, some will have an opinion and others won't. Same thing holds true for spaghetti sauce. Anyone can name a handful of places that they would recommend with good soup or great salads, but they rarely have a...


The Little Big Things by Tom Peters (Recommended)

Expio staff are always looking for a great resource. This is a book that inspires actions that shape the best industry principles, uses and philosophies and produce a healthy and vibrant company tactic. We recommend The Little Big Things 163 Ways To Pursue Excellence. Peters gives fresh insight into the small things that make companies great. Often infused with his signature sarcasm and humor, the 163 chapters are worth every moment. Tom's new book, The Little BIG Things, is a compendium of...


Twitter, American Express Let Users Buy With Hashtag

Another example of aligning business with social media USA Today published a story this morning about a new offer from Twitter and American Express. Users now have the option of purchasing with hashtags by syncing their personal Twitter account on American Express' website. READ MORE... happily shared via USA Today Here's how it works: when a user sees an item they want to purchase, they type a special hashtag. For example, American Express is offering a $25 gift card for $15 users can snag...

Autonomy at work

How To Create Autonomy

Social media works when brands portray autonomy among posts Motivating factors Scientists and sociologists are finding fascinating data about how people are motivated. We aren't the simple, robotic creatures we've often characterized ourselves as. Money, particularly, has been overwhelmingly placed as first-place in terms of the force behind employee improvement. But, is this really true? Generally, does a higher paid employee simply create better results? No. Dan Pink, in particular, has been amplifying the message of what motivates us. We are motivated by many things beyond simple...


Timeless Needs Shape Future

In June of 2007, the iPhone was released. It marked the beginning of a streamlined world in which millions could now use a device housed in their pocket to make every choice imaginable with consultation from online data. It's hard to quantify how much things have changed under the new landscape of digital interactivity. Everything from purchasing a new television, to finding a spouse has been re-modeled in light of what's essentially quick, easy-driven media technology. The question is, where are we...


Staff Picks: Super Bowl Commercials

Get Happy - Volkswagon It gets better every time you watch it. Believe us, we know from experience. Farmers - Ram Trucks This powerful 2-minute story about hard-working farmers sends chills down the spine the first time. The flow of the commercial is thematic and captivating.