Monthly Archives - July 2013

A Great Facebook Page Is Engaging, Not Merely Likes

The Quality of a Click Isn't 1:1 The value of a click isn't 1:1. Some clicks are people simply browsing your page, most likely bouncing off your page in seconds. Some are spam. When you study your web analytics, delineate why and how clicks are making their way all the way to a sale, or to the page you want them to reach. Perhaps your goal is to get email addresses into a form, receive donations to your campaign, etc. Whatever...


Social Networking Should Be Clear and Meaningful

Clear and Meaningful Social Networking So you've heard back from a follower on a social site like LinkedIn or Twitter. Great! They've been watching your posts and want to know more about what you do. Now, you've got their attention. But, how do you keep it? And, more importantly, how do you turn attention into a closed deal? Most deals take a minimum of 7 or more attempts to close after making a proposal, statistics say. That means you have a long...

Social Media Junk

3 Rules For Turning Garbage Content Into Significant Content

What's the point of social media for you? We suggest performing a litmus test against yourself and your online content strategy. Does it make sense? Would you personally engage with the content you've been producing? Are you progressing or just making noise? Get real with yourself and your staff. Self examination brings clarity. If you don't, you'll end up wasting your valuable resources. Three rules for restoring junk Social Media: Social Media is all about sharing significant content. Social Media doesn't work as brand make-up. It won't...


Content Marketing is a Top Priority, the Numbers Prove It

In a recent study from iMedia Connection said more than $118 billion is set to be spent on content marketing this fiscal year, proving that businesses are beginning to usher storytelling into their strategies at a record-breaking pace. There's something powerful about content in this digital age. This new research is telling marketers a clear message: consumers are looking for great content. How do you deliver great content that's capable of captivating the consumer with something new, something they can grow to...