Monthly Archives - August 2013

How To Attract Influencers, Not Freeloaders, In Facebook Contests

How to Ensure Your Facebook Contests Attract Genuine Fans By Emeric Ernoult Published June 10, 2013, Social Media Examiner #1: Award Appropriate Prizes Don’t offer attractive prizes that have nothing to do with your brand. #2: Choose Your Winners Wisely Many contests use a system of votes (photo competitions) or point accumulations (quizzes) to identify finalists or winners. These methods animate your campaign, boost engagement and can increase the chances of the contest going viral. But they should never be the only methods used for choosing your...


Giving Purpose to #Hashtags

Post by Expio Consulting. We see all sorts of applications for the use of hashtags in the Twitter world. What do they all mean? Using hashtags is clearly a top tactic for the world's largest events and platforms. The Super Bowl and the Olympics are both markedly saturated with different hashtags. Just this week, Nike released a video that's gone viral with a dramatic portrayal of Lebron James and the first-time release of hashtag #JustDoIt - the brand's iconic catchphrase. Bunches...