Monthly Archives - June 2014

5 Evidences that Prove Social Media is Making Business Better

1. Brands are now listening more than ever Great customer experiences start with knowing the customer. That's easier than ever thanks to the thousands of comments on brand posts everyday. This vast stockpile of user-submitted information has proven itself to be a powerful tool in the hands of business leaders, enough to translate into executive action. And it's awesome. About 50% of companies say social business has improved marketing optimization, customer experience and brand health (Altimeter Group). 2. Results are easier to track New tools for data...


Social Media & Medical (Google Presentation)

ContributorsJoshua Godsey & Andy Roller Patient-Centered Social Media The New Bedside Manner Case study by Expio including a Google presentation of social media campaigns and results for featured clients in the medical field. Click to open in a new window What the presentation includes: Social Media for Medical explained Social media gives medical specialists the perfect platform to share quick, easy, informative and useful information to an audience. Becoming a go-to resource on social media means they'll look to you when they need medical services. Results Screenshots of real engagement...


More Interesting Facebook Ads in One Simple Step

Facebook is giving users the ability to customize the kind of ads they see. If they don't like it, they can now tell Facebook and Facebook will try again with another ad it thinks you might like more. This doesn't mean ads are going away, or will appear less often, however. It just means you have more control of the ads you see. For businesses, this is yet another example where great content is more important than ever. If you aren't...


Why Not Taking Any Breaks At Work Is Scarier Than Dating Taylor Swift

Ok, maybe that headline was a bit dramatic. Still, we got your attention. A new study suggests taking brief mental breaks improves performance on a prolonged task. While the claim that taking a break at work helps improve performance may not be revolutionary to most of us, it's nice to see scientific support. Stepping back from tasks at work actually improves focus throughout the day and improves daily performance. Meanwhile, we're finishing this blog from opening day at Palace Coffee Co.'s new location 5 blocks...