Monthly Archives - September 2016

Siri comes to Mac with macOS Sierra update - Expio

Siri, iCloud: What You Should Know About macOS Sierra

Latest Mac Operating System Update Delivers Siri on Desktop, iCloud Everything It's been a week of new updates and features for Apple and its fans. iPhone 7, iOS 10 and now macOS Sierra. Check out the two big focuses for the new OS. Siri-Voice Enabled for Desktop There's a new app in the Dock. Siri isn't just for iPhones, and iPads. Siri's broadening her horizons, and giving desktop users a new assistant for MacBooks and beyond. Users who download macOS Sierra, released Tuesday, can...

Using Google Search Console to find Anchor Text for External Links

Dealing with Spam Referral Traffic in Website Analytics

So, You've Noticed Referral Traffic from Spam Sites If you've ever taken a look at analytics for your website, you'll have seen sites like these inside the referral traffic category. What are these sites? Are they real people? Should I be concerned about hackers? Why are they visiting my site? Should I do something about it? Spam Bots Spam bots are out there. They crawl your site for many reasons. Some are good, some not. Google has its own spam bot, for example. But...