Monthly Archives - May 2020

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Does Your Agency Make You Feel Like an SEO Expert?

If You Don't Feel Like a Subject Matter Expert When it Comes To Your SEO Strategies, Your Agency Might Be Letting You Down. So, how's it going with your SEO monthly reports? If you're an Expio Digital Marketing client and a subscriber to our SEO service, you know that our monthly reports are a huge part of our offerings. Why? Because we need to prove to you - every month - that we're completing a valuable and worthwhile service for you. And we need...

What Google's First Algorithm Update Post-Coronavirus Means For Your Rankings Expio SEO Digital Marketing

What Google’s First Algorithm Update Post-Coronavirus Means For Your Rankings

In This Post: News about Google's first core update since coronavirus Tips on measuring rankings while the update rolls out What the update means for businesses Why this core update is of particular importance [x_author title="About the Author"] This week, Google announced its first core algorithm update since the global coronavirus pandemic. The update began rolling out on Monday, May 4, 2020. They say it will likely take a week or two to fully roll out. We recommend monitoring your rankings closely over...