Yearly Archives - 2022

Company Culture: Ensuring Time For Learning and Curiosity

Company Culture: Ensuring Time For Learning and Curiosity

Expio builds in time for employees to learn new skills and feed their professional passions. By Caylee Hanna, Expio Intern A key component of working at Expio is continued education. The digital marketing field is quickly evolving, and it’s an employee requirement at Expio to stay on top of our field, so we can serve our clients in the best ways possible.  We chatted with Expio Chief Relationship Officer Jody Reynolds to get her thoughts on continued professional learning as part of a...

Fostering A Low Stress Work Environment

Fostering A Low Stress Work Environment

How to build a work culture where teams thrive and succeed. We sat down with Expio Chief Relationship Officer Jody Reynolds to discuss ways companies can keep employees engaged, rewarded and fulfilled. How can businesses provide a low-stress work environment? Jody: One of the ways to foster a low-stress work environment is to have clear core values as a company. At Expio Digital Marketing, Founder and CEO Andy Roller established those for us years ago. Expio’s three core values are: “No ASAP, No...


The Value of Well-Written Website Content

Expio Digital Marketing Case Study: The Value of Well-Written Website Content Great website content pieces can consistently drive considerable meaningful traffic to your website. More traffic leads to more potential customers/clients. Writing for the web is a specific skill set, requiring training in keyword research, HTML tags and search engine optimization. Expio helps many businesses increase their website traffic through well-written website content. Below are examples of two medical clients who see incredible results because of Expio’s expert web-content-writing subscription. Two Expio Medical...