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Siri comes to Mac with macOS Sierra update - Expio

Siri, iCloud: What You Should Know About macOS Sierra

Latest Mac Operating System Update Delivers Siri on Desktop, iCloud Everything

It’s been a week of new updates and features for Apple and its fans. iPhone 7, iOS 10 and now macOS Sierra. Check out the two big focuses for the new OS.

Siri-Voice Enabled for Desktop

There’s a new app in the Dock. Siri isn’t just for iPhones, and iPads. Siri’s broadening her horizons, and giving desktop users a new assistant for MacBooks and beyond. Users who download macOS Sierra, released Tuesday, can enable Siri in the setup process. You’ll find a new blue and purple App in the Dock dedicated to Siri functionality.

Enable Siri when installing macOS Installing macOS Sierra

Upload Everything to iCloud

With automatically-enabled option to upload all files from the Documents folder of your Mac computer directly to Apple’s iCloud, the intention is clear, Apple wants everything you store on your computer on the cloud. If you’re into it, no doubt the option will be convenient. macOS Sierra automatically makes it possible to use the Documents folder as iCloud, one in the same.

With macOS Sierra, Apple is aiming to make it easier to access all of your content across multiple devices, expanding iCloud Drive to encompass the desktop and documents folder of every Mac.

This feature puts all of the files stored either on the desktop or in the documents folder in iCloud, making them available on iOS devices, Macs, and for easy access to your most recent files wherever you are.


Other New Features with macOS Sierra

Siri can show you previously viewed documents and files.
Siri can show you previously viewed documents and files.
You can use macOS Sierra computers with Apple Pay on an iPhone.
You can use macOS Sierra computers with Apple Pay on an iPhone.
Sierra gives the ability to access all your computer files with an iPhone.
Sierra gives the ability to access all your computer files with an iPhone.
Clipboard makes copying content from Apple devices seamless.
Clipboard makes copying content from Apple devices seamless.

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