
Top 5 Ways to Increase Your Twitter Followers via Social Media Today

Scott Levy - Posted August 16, 2012 - SocialMediaToday 1. Don't Spam or Sell Do you follow, seek out or listen to spam, hard sells or snake oil? Neither does anyone else.  Don't do it, it's a huge turn off to the masses and not only will you not gain followers you stand a good chance of losing your current followers as well 2.  Be a Resource One of the best ways to gain new followers & keep your existing ones is to be a...


Marketing Is Dead

by Bill Lee  |   3:00 PM August 9, 2012  |  Harvard Business Review  Traditional marketing — including advertising, public relations, branding and corporate communications — is dead. Many people in traditional marketing roles and organizations may not realize they're operating within a dead paradigm. But they are. The evidence is clear. First, buyers are no longer paying much attention. Several studies have confirmed that in the "buyer's decision journey," traditional marketing communications just aren't relevant. Buyers are checking out product and service information in their own...


Bottom Line: Is Investing In Social Media Worth It?

Is it worth it? Measuring your company bottom line against social efforts is surprisingly simple. Take a look at new social media data: *78% are directly influenced by branded posts when making purchases *74% use social media to encourage friends to try new products *80% try new things based on friends’ suggestions via social media The potential is practically unlimited. The trick is investing your time and resources in ways that are proven to pay off. Invest in timeless business principles that will help your brand....


Market Leaders Using Third-Party Social Management

You have probably experienced a social media campaign from a large, easily-recognizable brand like Coca-Cola or Google. Naturally, it's easy to assume these brands have more than enough funds to compensate the extreme expenses involved in creating complex and highly-produced campaigns. The truth is, no matter how complex or produced the campaign is, the ultimate goal of marketing is to pay for itself in returns. Spending a large amount of money doesn't necessariy guarantee a larger return. Large brands have a...