Social Media

Search Engine Optimization FAQs Expio

SEO Basics: Know Your CTRs (Click Through Rates)

[author title="About the Author"] Google Search Console, and the Anatomy of a Search With over 7 billion searches happening every month, knowing how and why your website gets clicks, or doesn't get clicks, is a crucial skill. Luckily, it's not that difficult. One of the best uses of time when it comes to knowing your site SEO is looking at CTRs, or Click-Through-Rates. In order to understand what a CTR is, let's start first with a basic search in Google. The Anatomy of a...

How to Customize Notifications for Facebook Pages

How to Customize Notifications for Facebook Pages

[author title="About the Author"] How to Customize Facebook Page Notifications For Page Admins Go to your Facebook Page timeline Click Settings Click Notifications (located on the left sidebar) Select which notifications you'd like to receive by how often, what activity, and whether you'd like to see them by email or text Managing Multiple Facebook Pages with Custom Notifications If you're a Facebook page admin for a business (or multiple businesses), you're by now pretty used to seeing notifications from the page. Facebook combines page...


9 Facts that Prove Social Media has Changed the World Forever

[avatar user="chelsea" size="medium" align="right"]Chelsea Berg, Expio Blogger[/avatar] Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and Other Social Media Platforms' Impact From relationships to how we choose our next meal, Social Media has woven itself into the fabric of mankind. Overkill much? We don't think so. Check out the 9 Facts That Prove Social Media Has Changed the World Forever...   The Facts If Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest in the world. Two new users join LinkedIn every second. 25% of Facebook users check their account at least...


23 Ways to Achieve “High-Quality” Website Status

A Google Expert's Checklist "This website doesn't load fast enough." "This website has duplicate content." "It needs quality content before Google will begin listing this site in Search." "Your site has a bunch of issues." "The Google listing for your business is all wrong." The phone rings. It's an SEO expert with a laundry list of problems you've never even heard of before. The person on the other end is telling you everything is wrong about your SEO, Google listing of website. These self-proclaimed SEO experts say your website...

The NLRB and Legal Considerations of Social Media - Expio Consulting

The NLRB and Legal Considerations for Employer’s Social Media Policies

European Sports Cars, Hot Dogs, and What To Do If An Employee Posts Embarrassing Images on Social Media It can be awkward. An employee catches the attention of Social Media and the effects of a not-so-good-for-PR post makes its way all the way to the top, potentially putting said employee on the chopping block. The story below reflects a reality that is becoming more and more common in the digital age. Here are two quick key points from the NLRB that will help...

Photo in Photoshop - Expio Consulting

How to Add Follower Recognition to Your Social Media Toolbox

[column type="one-half" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px"] 3 Step Process Ding. The  sound on the phone's notification bar sounds and in pops a notification, "@KateOvens just tweeted you a photo".  As the app opens, you begin reading the tweet, and satisfaction from being recognized for a job well done sets in. The tweet reads all about how great your business is. It feels good, so, so good.[/column][column type="one-half" last="true" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px"] [/column] Someone took the time to take a picture and write a positive experience about your company. This is what Social Media...

Disappearing Likes - Expio Consulting

Why is Facebook Removing Likes?

[column type="one-half" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px"][custom_headline type="left" level="h1" looks_like="h1"]True Facts About Disappearing Likes That Will Make You Rethink Your Panic Attack.[/custom_headline][/column] [column type="one-half" last="true" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px"] A recent move by the folks at Facebook headquarters has some page admins panicking. Why are numbers of likes - precious fans! - disappearing from the page? Keeping a close eye on the number of likes on a particular Facebook Page, many have noticed a worrying number of small losses. What's going on? The truth is, Facebook is not...


Understanding Facebook Check-Ins for Page Admins

UPDATE: Facebook has updated since this post was written. Admins are now able to engage more fully on check ins from users who use their page. Click on Notifications, then click Activity to find Check Ins in the Admin Toolbar Once you click Activity, you'll see Check-ins alongside Reviews, Mentions and Shares. [column type="one-third" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px"] You already know about likes and comments, and shares - the "big three" of Facebook engagement. But, are you familiar with Facebook "Check-Ins"? Watch our short video for a...

How to easily feature staff on social media

How To Easily Feature Staff on Social Media

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][custom_headline type="left" level="h4" looks_like="h4"]Three simple steps for uploading and sharing feature photos[/custom_headline] [pullquote type="left"]Take a picture of that guy or girl in the office that brings that joy, that brings that positive attitude to work, and share the joke that they told, or just share something about them and let some fun and some humor get out there on the Facebook page. [/pullquote] Hey, I'm Joshua Godsey, Social Media Writer for Expio Consulting. I wanted to talk about how to feature your staff on...


Traits of Successful Brands on Social Media

[custom_headline type="left" level="h4" looks_like="h4"]Participation in the creative process key[/custom_headline][clear] [x_video_embed type="16:9"][/x_video_embed] [pullquote type="left"]The clients that really succeed are the ones that collaborate. They work with you. So they answer the questions. [/pullquote] TRANSCRIPT: In this business we've learned a couple things about what we like and what we don't like. The main thing we don't like are clients that we don't like. So let me give you a little bit of information on clients that we like and honestly, clients that succeed well with...