Social Media

Why We Love Super Simple Video Blogs - Expio Consulting

Why We Love Super Simple Video Blogs & What We’re Doing About It

[custom_headline type="left" level="h4" looks_like="h4"]Video is a highly engaging platform. So, we thought we'd start doing some of our own.[/custom_headline] [x_video_embed type="16:9"][/x_video_embed] [clear] [pullquote type="left"] Video is great for creating simple, low-production tips and tricks in your industry. [/pullquote] "Chief Social Media Evangelist" "Profit Innovator" "Social Media Rockstar" [clear] We are doing more video blogs. Hooray! We want to discuss various topics with you that we think can be really helpful for anyone starting and developing online marketing. Sometimes it will be a few minutes of me (Andy) talking, or maybe...


Why Your Social Media Isn’t Working

[custom_headline type="left" level="h4" looks_like="h4"]If you’re not doing a good job of taking care of your customers offline, social media will just make you worse.[/custom_headline] [x_video_embed type="16:9"][/x_video_embed] [pullquote type="left"] Maybe you’re just pushing yourself on people. So, social media is a conversation. It’s not a place just to always talk and never listen. [/pullquote]So first reason it may not be working is you suck. If your business sucks, if you’re not doing a good job of taking care of your customers offline, if your service...


Facebook Post “Reach” Is Declining and What to Do About it

Consider "Boosting" Posts regularly As you may have noticed, while social media use and engagement continue to rise, Facebook organic (not boosted) reach has been on the decline.

 Some see this as a negative, but it's not. Facebook, now a public company, has had to grow up and actually meet quarterly earnings. So, they've decreased the ability of brands to get the kind of reach they once had without spending some money. We've tracked our client pages and we've seen this decline first...


5 Evidences that Prove Social Media is Making Business Better

1. Brands are now listening more than ever Great customer experiences start with knowing the customer. That's easier than ever thanks to the thousands of comments on brand posts everyday. This vast stockpile of user-submitted information has proven itself to be a powerful tool in the hands of business leaders, enough to translate into executive action. And it's awesome. About 50% of companies say social business has improved marketing optimization, customer experience and brand health (Altimeter Group). 2. Results are easier to track New tools for data...


More Interesting Facebook Ads in One Simple Step

Facebook is giving users the ability to customize the kind of ads they see. If they don't like it, they can now tell Facebook and Facebook will try again with another ad it thinks you might like more. This doesn't mean ads are going away, or will appear less often, however. It just means you have more control of the ads you see. For businesses, this is yet another example where great content is more important than ever. If you aren't...


This One Simple Tactic Can Double Your Facebook Engagement – Jason Parks

This blog post (shared from is by guest author Jason Parks, Owner of The Media Captain. Follow him at @TheMediaCaptain on Twitter.These tips are on par and really helpful. We've been using these tactics for a long time and have seen results on a daily basis from these practices. Developing a character for your brand posts, sharing staff stories and more are crucial strategies for producing great and share-worthy content on brand social media platforms. Case Analysis We broke down insights for a client of ours, Panhandle...


Thoughts on Facebook Reach Decline? (Excerpts)

Is Facebook on the decline? There are many opinions out there, but I've shared  screenshots below of an email exchange I recently had with Andy Roller, Expio Lead Consultant on the subject. He shares brief and helpful insights on how Expio Consulting sees and plans to handle the changes... [image type="none" float="none" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" src="3319"] [image type="none" float="none" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" src="3324"] [image type="none" float="none" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" src="3320"] [image type="none" float="none" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" src="3323"] [image type="none" float="none" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" src="3321"] [image type="none" float="none"...


Content Has a Perfect Length via Buffer App

Buffer App, one of our most-used tools in the office (it helps us easily schedule out posts for brand pages on a calendar), just put out a fantastic blog titled, "The Ideal Length of Everything Online, Backed by Research." It's a super helpful post that breaks down the research to tell things like how many words should be in a blog headline, or a tweet. We highly recommend you go take a look and learn from it. The Ideal Length of Everything...


How To Attract Influencers, Not Freeloaders, In Facebook Contests

How to Ensure Your Facebook Contests Attract Genuine Fans By Emeric Ernoult Published June 10, 2013, Social Media Examiner #1: Award Appropriate Prizes Don’t offer attractive prizes that have nothing to do with your brand. #2: Choose Your Winners Wisely Many contests use a system of votes (photo competitions) or point accumulations (quizzes) to identify finalists or winners. These methods animate your campaign, boost engagement and can increase the chances of the contest going viral. But they should never be the only methods used for choosing your...


Giving Purpose to #Hashtags

Post by Expio Consulting. We see all sorts of applications for the use of hashtags in the Twitter world. What do they all mean? Using hashtags is clearly a top tactic for the world's largest events and platforms. The Super Bowl and the Olympics are both markedly saturated with different hashtags. Just this week, Nike released a video that's gone viral with a dramatic portrayal of Lebron James and the first-time release of hashtag #JustDoIt - the brand's iconic catchphrase. Bunches...