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Report on Social Media and the Patient Experience via TCU and Expio Consulting

Currently over 55% of patients engage with some form of social media. This report proves that number will continue to rise. 39% of respondents say they share medical information using social media. Contrary to the fears of many executives, patients tend to share positive experiences on social media. This report found though it’s true that patients also do share bad experiences, it’s far less common.

Patients want to share their stories. And prospective patients want to read stories. Extended families and networks want to read and see these stories as they stay attuned to a loved one’s health issues. Here are a few key questions to consider:


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How are medical stories best captured and shared?

What is the role of the medical provider in facilitating patient stories?

What is the provider’s role in ensuring HIPPA compliance?



We found patients expect to reach out to providers through social media. 70% expect a response within 24 hours. This has major implications for patient care.

[toc title=”Engaging Patients On Social Platforms” type=”block” columns=”3″]

Who is responding to patient stories?

How soon are responses being given, and with what level of skill, understanding, training?


The role of new mobile applications and technology continues to grow exponentially. With this growth comes a greater need and opportunity for patient education and care. How – or how well – are HCPs responding?

[toc title=”Barriers to Success on Social Media for Health Care Providers” type=”block” columns=”3″]

Why do medical providers often experience difficulty when entering the ever-expanding social media world?

What results has social media proven for medical professionals?

Where are the results that internal teams and agencies promise?

What can health care providers do to nurture the patient journey?

How can medical providers optimize the patient experience for greater outreach?


We teamed up with TCU’s Neeley School of Business to investigate these questions. Our goal is to provide health care leaders a useful perspective with actionable strategies.

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