Tag - 2012

Presidential Candidates on Social Media

Infographic: Who Is The More Social Presidential Candidate?

 How much does Social Media play a part in the 2012 elections? Obama certainly has the edge in social popularity. Will it make a difference on November 7? America will decide. Check out the comparision numbers from each candidate's Facebook, Twitter and YouTube platforms.Source: Public Twitter, Facebook and YouTube platforms from each respective candidate as of 11:00 a.m. CST, October 24, 2012 Twitter Romney: Tweets 1,296 Following 274 Followers 1,569,734 Obama: Tweets 7,283 Following 671, 342 Followers 21,291,253 Facebook Romney: 10,625,106 likes  3,499,015 talking about this Obama: 31,333,564 likes  2,884,682 talking about this YouTube Romney: Subscribers 25,993 Video...