Tag - apps

“Pheed” currently #1 App in Social Media Category

There's a new App standing strong on top of the Social Media Category of Apple's App Store and, No, it's not Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. It's Pheed. Pheed is a community App like Facebook or Twitter, but unlike either of the said platforms, it offers an impressive four options for posting content including: text, photo, video and (uniquely) voice updates. Check out a review from Huff Post Tech below for more about Pheed. happily shared via Huff Post Tech If you haven't looked at Pheed yet,...

Location-based services are all the rage

Big Potential For Location-Based Social Media

happily shared via Business Insider Why Location-Based Services Like Foursquare Are Going To Become Big Businesses Location-based services is one of the hottest startup trends to have come out of the smartphone revolution of the past few years. But despite the hype, many people wonder what location-based services are really about, and whether they can be a real business. In a recent special report, BI Intelligence answers these questions. We: Present an overview through explainers of the most interesting location-based services including Foursquare, Shopkick and Groupon Now. Analyze case studies of promising business use of these platforms,...


Southwest Airlines and Instagram Marketing

How Southwest Connects With Passengers Should your business be using Instagram as a brand? Southwest Airlines thinks so. The popular airline has done their homework. Travelers are using smartphone apps like instagram more than ever. In order to align marketing efforts, Southwest went where people already were comfortable sharing - to the shareable world of smartphone photography, and to the largest and most-popular smartphone photo app in the world (Instagram). This reminds us of a key social media marketing principle: alignment. One of the most...