Tag - Content Strategy

Create the Perfect Holiday Brand Post With These Ideas

[author] Pick our brain. We're feeling generous this holiday season and want to give out some of the ideas that helped us form our content strategies this holiday season. If you're struggling to make the perfect holiday post on your business Facebook page, or Twitter, we think you'll find these useful. Check out some ideas to make your page shine this holiday season. Gift Ideas Feature one of the best products or services, or in this case Memberships, you have to offer for the holiday...

Why We Love Super Simple Video Blogs - Expio Consulting

Why We Love Super Simple Video Blogs & What We’re Doing About It

[custom_headline type="left" level="h4" looks_like="h4"]Video is a highly engaging platform. So, we thought we'd start doing some of our own.[/custom_headline] [x_video_embed type="16:9"][/x_video_embed] [clear] [pullquote type="left"] Video is great for creating simple, low-production tips and tricks in your industry. [/pullquote] "Chief Social Media Evangelist" "Profit Innovator" "Social Media Rockstar" [clear] We are doing more video blogs. Hooray! We want to discuss various topics with you that we think can be really helpful for anyone starting and developing online marketing. Sometimes it will be a few minutes of me (Andy) talking, or maybe...


More Interesting Facebook Ads in One Simple Step

Facebook is giving users the ability to customize the kind of ads they see. If they don't like it, they can now tell Facebook and Facebook will try again with another ad it thinks you might like more. This doesn't mean ads are going away, or will appear less often, however. It just means you have more control of the ads you see. For businesses, this is yet another example where great content is more important than ever. If you aren't...


This One Simple Tactic Can Double Your Facebook Engagement – Jason Parks

This blog post (shared from is by guest author Jason Parks, Owner of The Media Captain. Follow him at @TheMediaCaptain on Twitter.These tips are on par and really helpful. We've been using these tactics for a long time and have seen results on a daily basis from these practices. Developing a character for your brand posts, sharing staff stories and more are crucial strategies for producing great and share-worthy content on brand social media platforms. Case Analysis We broke down insights for a client of ours, Panhandle...