Tag - Expio Values

Why Not Taking Any Breaks At Work Is Scarier Than Dating Taylor Swift

Ok, maybe that headline was a bit dramatic. Still, we got your attention. A new study suggests taking brief mental breaks improves performance on a prolonged task. While the claim that taking a break at work helps improve performance may not be revolutionary to most of us, it's nice to see scientific support. Stepping back from tasks at work actually improves focus throughout the day and improves daily performance. Meanwhile, we're finishing this blog from opening day at Palace Coffee Co.'s new location 5 blocks...


Matthew Effect: Key To Facebook News Feed

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][author][blockquote type="left" cite="Gospel of Matthew"]"Whoever has will be given more... Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them."[/blockquote][feature_headline type="left" level="h3" looks_like="h3" icon="pencil-square-o"]Custom Selected News Feed[/feature_headline][text_output]In his book Outliers Malcolm Gladwell demonstrates a principle he calls the "Matthew Effect". Essentially, the idea is that when a person gets an early opportunity or a more-lengthy opportunity, it leads to a multiplication of opportunity in the future. And though we can't fully explain the idea (read the...