Tag - News Feed

Matthew Effect: Key To Facebook News Feed

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][author][blockquote type="left" cite="Gospel of Matthew"]"Whoever has will be given more... Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them."[/blockquote][feature_headline type="left" level="h3" looks_like="h3" icon="pencil-square-o"]Custom Selected News Feed[/feature_headline][text_output]In his book Outliers Malcolm Gladwell demonstrates a principle he calls the "Matthew Effect". Essentially, the idea is that when a person gets an early opportunity or a more-lengthy opportunity, it leads to a multiplication of opportunity in the future. And though we can't fully explain the idea (read the...


New “Pages Feed” To Assist Decreased Facebook Fan Reach

You may have already noticed a new orange flag under your "Pages" section of the Facebook News Feed page. Facebook is calling it the "Pages Feed". It comes as a potential attempt to answer the frustrations expressed by page ADMINS recently. Shrinking fan reach due to algorithm changes last October have reportedly decreased Weekly Total Reach on millions of business Timelines. Now, users can view page-only posts in a feed devoted to viewing the business, interest or organization pages you like. It comes...